In front of the labour exchange there are many people desiring to get a job. 职业介绍所门前有许多想找工作的人。
Unit labour costs have been rising more rapidly than export prices, because companies have been unable to maintain margins as the exchange rate has moved higher. 单位劳动力成本的上涨速度一直快于出口价格上涨速度,因为汇率升高导致企业难以维持利润率。
RMB appreciation exerts unfavorable effects on domestic enterprises oriented to foreign contracting, which include mainly the RMB income decrease and the increases of labour power cost and domestic procurement cost induced by exchange rate risk. 摘要人民币升值对我国对外承包企业具有不利的影响,主要有:汇率风险导致人民币收入减少、人力成本和国内采购成本增加等。
Their assiduous labour promoted cultural exchange. A great number of precious religious works and ancient literature are preserved by means of their imperishable manuscripts. 僧侣们的勤勉工作促进了文化的交流,大量珍贵的宗教著作和古代文学作品通过他们的不朽手稿得以保存。
It is widely divergent from Petty's original idea to allege that he regards the kind of labour, such as gold and silver mining, as the only one that can create exchange value. 那种认为配第只是把开采金银的劳动才直接生产交换价值的看法,是与配第原意相违背的。
The Conceptions of life 、 Labour 、 commodity exchange and rift are connected with the use of the conception of metabolism. 与这一概念相关的其它概念有生命、劳动、商品交换、裂缝等。
The Study of Dynamic Compaction Test of the Foundation at the 9th Pond in the Labour Exchange Sect of the Front Seaport Area in Shenzhen 深圳市前湾港区物流园9塘地基强夯试验及研究
According to the reason of unified labour market, the current segregative talent exchange market and labour market can be brought into the track of unified management. 按照劳动力市场统一的思路,将目前分离的人才交流市场和劳动力市场纳入统一管理轨道;
The Confucian was in favour of the social division of labour and the exchange of commodities and advocated to encourage and help the development of business among the common people while keeping an eye on its possible defects. 儒家充分肯定了社会分工和商品交换的必要性,主张鼓励和扶持民间工商业的发展,同时对民间工商业可能导致的某些弊端也给予了应有的警觉。
The basic question that Marxist labour theory of value answers is that in a market economy, private labour is proved to be part of the aggregate labour of the society and because of the exchange of products, relations occur among producers. 马克思的劳动价值论所要说明的基本问题是:在市场经济社会,私人劳动在事实上被证实为社会总劳动的一部分,只是由于交换使劳动产品之间、从而使生产者之间发生了关系。
Passed variables include: the price of raw material, labour cost, import quantum of paper pulp, the exchange rate of RMB, acreage of forestry land and credit rate. 2. 通过检验的变量有:原料价格、人工成本、纸浆进口量、人民币汇率、林业用地面积和信贷利率。